The Earth of the Fires is the territory among the province of Naples and the province of Caserta. In these places a lot of unauthorized dumps exist, and when these dumps need to make space for other garbage, they hang some fires. These garbage are defined "special refusals". These "special refusals" were buried under earth provoking various catastrophes. The Campania has become the region more unproductive in Italy; more often thousand of people always die of tumor. These fires provoked by the unauthorized dumps were also increased by the presence of the Camorra, who arranges for the disposal of special refusals from the years 80. One of the reformed bosses is Schiavone, which has declared that the toxic garbage, nuclear waste, and chimical compositions coming from the North Europe have been burned along the costline Domizio. A lot of associations were born for defeating this danger, like the association "Us parents of everybody": this association has been founded by parents that have lost their own children because of the Earth of fires, and the job of the association founds him on the search of the various consequences of the Earth of fires.
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